Leadership Support Team

Angela Lynch – Team Manager
Angela Lynch is the Leadership Support Manager for IPPN. Prior to taking up this role in 2011, Angela taught in Glasheen Girls Schools, Cork, for over 36 years, 20 of these were in a Teaching and Administrative principal role. She is a trained mediator with a particular interest in the area of conflict resolution. From being a founder member of Cork Primary Principals’ Network (CPPN), Angela went on to serve on the IPPN Board of Directors for over 10 years. She is also a regular contributor to Leadership+.

Rachel Hallahan
Rachel is the IPPN Principal Information Officer and is responsible for managing the professional, factual queries received at the IPPN Support Office, working closely with the Leadership Support Manager to coordinate and respond to all queries received. She develops Resource Bundles on specific topics of key relevance to school leaders and content for CPD modules as well as for www.ippn.ie and the IPPN Dashboard. She also moderates the dedicated mailing list for IPPN’s 6000 members and manages the weekly members’ email bulletin – IPPN’s E-scéal.

Rachel holds a B.Sc. Degree in Government and Public Policy from UCC, a Masters in Planning and Sustainable Development, also from UCC and a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Relations accredited by the Fitzwilliam Institute and the Public Relations Institute of Ireland. In addition, she has a Diploma in Social Media from the Digital Marketing Institute. Prior to working with IPPN, Rachel worked in a variety of roles in PR and marketing as well as an internship with the Revenue Commissioners.  Rachel is currently on maternity leave. Sarah McNamara is fulfilling the role during this time.


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Ann Ryan
Ann has spent her teaching career in areas of social disadvantage, as a mainstream teacher for 17 years and for 3 years as a teacher counsellor. She was Principal of St. Mark’s JNS, Tallaght for 17 years. Ann has worked with the IPPN Leadership Support Team since September 2016.

Ann is passionately committed to a positive school experience for all. She considers Emotional Literacy as the bedrock on which to build the best possible outcomes and believes relational trust can never be overstated. She is an advocate of Restorative Values and Practices in schools and delivers workshops to school staffs on getting started in restorative practices. She is a qualified Life Coach and also works as a mentor with CSL.




Donal Kerins
Donal taught in Midleton CBS for 21 years and was Principal of Bunscoil Rinn an Chabhlaigh in Cobh, Co. Cork for 19 years. Donal has been trained as a Mentor with NIPT and has a passionate interest in the development of capacity in teaching staff as the prime means to improve the quality of teaching and learning in schools. 

Donal joined IPPN’s Leadership Support Team last September and has contributed to Leadership+ and E-scéal. Donal is an avid cyclist and walker and has completed the Tour de Munster and Camino trails.

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Jack Durkan M.Ed
Jack was Principal in Togher Boys’ School until his retirement in November 2016, when he took up a position with IPPN’s Leadership Support Team. Jack completed his B.Ed. degree in Mary Immaculate College and holds a Master’s Degree in School Leadership and School Management from the University of Hull.

He was a member of the Leadership Development Team (LDS), now the PDST Leadership Team, since 2002, where he also works as an Associate on the Misneach and Toraíocht programmes as both a Lecturer and a Tutor. He is a trained Relationship Counsellor and is a qualified Executive Coach and Mentor.



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