Transition of Services into NCSE – Update

Work is now underway to establish regionally-based teams, comprising of the professional staff in the service, and a policy and practice development unit in NCSE Head Office. This will inform practice and assist in ensuring consistency of work practice across the service.

Services provided by these three former agencies will continue to be provided and expanded by the NCSE service regionally, through Visiting Teachers of the former Visiting Teacher Service as well as advisors and staff of the former NBSS and SESS. This is in addition to the work of NCSE’s Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs), which will also continue as normal.

Departmental email addresses for visiting teachers are now redundant and replaced with NCSE versions. They will take the form of Visiting Teacher phone contact details will remain the same.

Contact details for former NBSS and SESS aspects of the NCSE Service, along with those for SENOs and NCSE Head Office in Trim, all remain the same.

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