Online Child Exploitation Unit - Garda National Protective Services Bureau

How You Can Help
Send the listed information below to the secure email address -

  • JPEG image of the school uniform is preferable 
  • Close up photograph of the crest
  • Description of any:
  • Items of clothing that make up the school uniform
  • Tracksuit associated with school
  • Blazer/coat/fleece
  • Other clothing worn by the school attendees


  • Information regarding the school
  • School Name & address
  • Number of pupils
  • Gender of school population
  • Contact person in the school to act as a liaison in the event of Gardaí needing to contact the school regarding the uniform.


  • If the school does not have a uniform, please email the above address of the Nil return including the name and address of the school.

IPPN Sponsors

