Occupational Health Risks of Administrative and Teaching Principals in Irish Primary Schools

Project Title: Occupational Health Risks of Administrative and Teaching Principals in Irish Primary Schools 

Researcher: Grace Sheehan 

Supervisor: Dr. Debora Jeske, School of Applied Psychology, University College Cork, Ireland. 

Purpose of the research: Recent research has indicated various types of occupational health risks in undertaking the role of principal in Ireland. This research aims to look at the alternative types of occupational health risks on the health and well-being of principals and explore any differences between teaching and administrative principals. Occupational health risks which impact on well-being include, adult to adult bullying, which has been identified by Dr. Riley (2015) as a risk. This research aims to outline the types of adult to adult bullying experienced by principals in schools, in the hope of outlining some recommendations to support principals with dignity in the workplace. In addition to the health risks, the survey will also explore whether principals view their position as a ‘high demand-low control role’ and the impact of external influences on school functioning. It is hoped that the information gleaned from this research will offer some recommendations that will assist principals in Ireland with their health and well-being. 

What will this research involve: I am inviting all primary principals nationally to complete this on-line survey so that the information can be utilised to ascertain the types of occupational health risks that principals encounter in schools. 

Why is the research being conducted on principals: As I am principal for over eight years, I would like to contribute to a body of knowledge that may support my fellow colleagues with their health and well-being in the future. 

Do you have to take part?

Participation is voluntary and not remunerated. If you agree to participate, you will be asked to indicate your consent on-line. You can download a copy of this information sheet online. You can also withdraw from the study by contacting the researcher at the following e-mail: 116223130@umail.ucc.ie (this will require your confidential code word which you will be asked to generate at the beginning of the survey). You will have one week from the time of completing the survey to withdraw your data if you so wish. 

Will your participation in the study be confidential? Yes. Data will be stored confidentially and in line with ethical guidelines of the Psychological Society of Ireland. No names, e-mails, IP addresses or other identifying information will be collected. 

What will happen to the information that you give? The data will be kept confidential for the duration of the study. The records will be stored on a password-protected computer for a period of 10 years as required by the University College Cork. The data collected may also be published in scientific journals or presented at conferences. Any information and data gathered during this research study will only be available to the research team identified in the information sheet. Should the research be presented or published in any form, all data will be anonymous (i.e. your personal information or data will not be identifiable as belonging to you).


Click here to access the survey - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/8HKBKHV

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