Droichead - Interim Position

1. One size does not fit all and this should be reflected in a system that is designed to cater for anything from a 1-teacher primary school to a second-level school with up to 1500 pupils. IPPN proposes that schools that wish to participate in Droichead should continue to be supported and that there should be an alternative model available to Newly Qualified Teachers (NQTs) in schools that do not wish to participate, no matter what the size of the school. As an alternative model, IPPN recommends that the Teaching Council recruits a group of 60 Lead Professionals as an induction and probation team by seconding working principals and/or recommended, experienced teachers who have a proven track record as NQT mentors within their own schools. The Teaching Council would have direct, quality control of a team of professionals to manage the recruitment, training and assessment of its induction and probation team. The profession would remain self?regulating but on a more professional and quality-assured basis.

2. Allocate one administration day per week to all Teaching Principals.

The policy will be debated and ratification sought from National Council Members at our March meeting. In the interim, IPPN’s position on Droichead is as follows:

  • As a professional body advocating for school leaders, IPPN is very concerned that the debate around Droichead has become so divisive. IPPN believes that there is a way to accommodate and to support both the schools that wish to participate in Droichead and those who do not.

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