Key Dates for Your School - February

February 2018 Mid-term – All schools will close on Thursday 15 February 2018 & Friday 16 February 2018. Primary schools may use 3 discretionary days to extend this break to an alternative option of a 5 day break for the period from Monday 12 February 2018 to Friday 16 February 2018 inclusive.

23 February 2018

  • Notify relevant Panel Operator of any permanent or fixed-term vacancy
  • Return Main Redeployment Panel Application Form (Appendix E) for surplus permanent/CID holding teachers to the Department’s Primary Teacher Allocations Section
  • Submit completed Staffing Appeals Form (Appendix F) for the March meeting of the Primary Staffing Appeals Board to the Department’s Primary Teacher Allocations Section
  • Return ‘CID Declaration Form 18’ (Appendix G) in respect of all teachers awarded a CID in or before the 2017/18 school year and a Main Panel Application Form, if applicable, to the Department’s Primary Teacher Allocations Section
  • Return the ‘CID Declaration Form 18’ (Appendix G) to Primary Teacher Allocations Section for each teacher with a CID awarded under the terms of Part A1 or A2 of Circular 0023/2015.
  • Return CID applications for eligible teachers for the commencement of the 2018/2019 school year. Circular 0023/2015 sets out the eligibility requirements for CID. Applications should be made on Appendix H - Form CID (18/19).
  • Schools may enter into a SET Cluster Arrangement with neighbouring schools to create a full-time permanent post. The base school in a SET Cluster should submit Form S.E.T.Cluster2018 (Appendix D) to the Primary Allocations Section. Note: Schools that are in an existing clustering arrangement (agreed for the 2017/18 school year) do not need to notify the Department as these clusters will remain in place for 2018/19. Schools are reminded that once a S.E.T. cluster has been established, it will remain in place until the next review of the Special Education teaching allocation by NCSE.

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