Child Protection & Risk Assessment

We are fast approaching the March 11th deadline for Boards of Management to publish their Child Safeguarding and Risk Assessment Statements.

IPPN is supporting school leaders with this task in a number of ways.

  • IPPN in collaboration with all 21 Education Centres are hosting information sessions. The vast majority have already taken place
  • The remainder are due to take place next week in advance of the deadline. Our 3 facilitators, Maria Doyle, Donal Kerins and David Ruddy have reported on the large turnouts and the high engagement levels of participants
  • A comprehensive Resource Bundle has been in place for the past few weeks. The Bundle attempts to supply all the critical information that you and your staff need to be familiar with, as well as supporting the DES Procedures. It includes one page documents known as Principals’ Aid Memoires (PAMS) which can be used for training or quick reference guides.

The PDST online modules went live last weekend.

  • IPPN would like to acknowledge the frustration of school leaders in relation to the Tusla website crashing. IPPN has offered to host their online module
  • The March 11th deadline and the organisation of in-service for staff has placed a lot of extra work on the shoulders of you, our school leaders. IPPN will continue to support you. IPPN is proud to have a membership who takes so seriously the safety and protection of our children.

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