& Redeployment Panel

How to Advertise on

  • Select ‘Main Redeployment Panel’ from the list of options provided in the ‘Status of Vacancy’ drop-down menu
  • Teachers are given a period of 5 calendar days to express an interest in the post.
  • Teachers can only respond to expressions of interest from within their own relevant panel area
  • A school is required to select a teacher from the cohort of teachers who expressed interest in the post. However, the school has the option of supplementing the list of teachers who express an interest in the post with other teacher(s), remaining on the Main Panel (who had not responded with an expression of interest in the post). It is at the discretion of the Board of Management to hold interviews
  • If no teachers on the relevant Main Panel express an interest in the post, the school is required to extend the period of time for seeking expressions of interest, by an additional 2 calendar days. If at that stage there are still no teachers who have expressed interest in the post, then the school should inform the Panel Operator.
  • All teachers on the main panel must be redeployed before permission is given to fill remaining permanent vacancies in any other manner or to fill fixed term teaching vacancies.
  • Click here for text to be used in any advert to be placed by a school with a permanent teaching vacancy on (Section 6.3)

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