Child Protection for the New School Year

Basic Documentation and Admin

  • Ensure that the school’s Child Safeguarding Statement (including the Risk Assessment) is prominently displayed
  • Consider, with staff, if any items need to be added to or removed from the Risk Assessment. Ensure any suggested changes are endorsed by the BoM and recorded in the BoM minutes
  • Ensure that the names of the DLP and DDLP are prominently displayed close to the Child Safeguarding Statement
  • Ensure that the names of the DLP and DDLP are recorded in the BoM minutes
  • Ensure that all Staff, including newly appointed or Substitute Staff have a copy of the Child Safeguarding Statement
  • Ensure that the BoM recording of Staff Training, including BoM members’ training is updated to account for the initial training of newly appointed and
  • Substitute Staff as well as the revision of training for existing Staff
  • Ensure that you have a clear system for coding Pupils, Parents and Staff in the event of recording a Child Protection Concern and that the DDLP and Chairperson have access to it
  • Ensure that you have a secure location to store Child Protection Concern Reports and Records and that the DDLP and Chairperson have access to it

Basic Training

  • Ensure that all Staff and BoM members have availed of the Tusla Children First e-learning programme, particularly Newly Appointed personnel.
  • Review Staff knowledge of:
  • the various types of abuse
  • the thresholds of concern for each
  • concerning circumstances associated with abuse
  • Review staff knowledge of school procedures for reporting concerns of abuse - discuss some ‘what if’ scenarios.
  • Ensure that the BoM is aware of its obligations in relation to Oversight of Child Protection in the school. In particular, it would be useful to discuss
  • Oversight v Investigation
  • Confidentiality

IPPN Sponsors

