E-sceal 531 - Professional Conversations at Staff Meetings – What if Scenarios

Often we are taken unawares by a difficult conversation, involving a grievance, complaint or issue giving rise to conflict. Having the right language and knowing the steps to take in handling the situation can ensure a better outcome generally.
In the next editions of e-scéal, a ‘what if’ scenario will be proposed as a topic for discussion at a staff meeting.

The topic for this week is:
‘What if a parent raises an issue, concern or incident involving their child and a teacher?’

Consider including discussion on:

  • Procedure: Parental Complaints Procedure
  • Using the procedure
  • Managing an irate parent
  • Keeping the focus at all times on the child
  • Rights and responsibilities of both parties
  • Managing self during conversation
  • Having a repertoire of language to refocus and engage, in arriving at a collaborative resolution

It may also be helpful to refer to IPPN’s Communications Resource Bundle

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