E-sceal 532 - Professional Conversations - What if scenarios - Staff Grievances

It is always wise to raise issues of this nature, when there are no problems or conflict situations. Continuing our series of discussing 'What if' scenarios at staff meetings, the focus for this week is on staff grievances.

What if a staff member comes to you to complain that another staff member has been undermining them and they are now feeling hugely stressed by this situation?

This will then form the topic for discussion and input from staff, as to what is expected of you as a school leader and what responsibility lies with the particular staff member in coming to a resolution. A number of considerations related to the conversation might be:

  • Any National Procedures in operation as in Grievance Procedure for Staff
  • Informal attempts to resolve issue prior to any engagement with a formal grievance procedure
  • Adherence to procedures and not skipping any stage
  • Knowledge and understanding of the procedures by staff and BoM
  • Plan to communicate to all stakeholders if not already in place
  • Reference to INTO Working Together publication/Teaching Council Code of Conduct/Any Restorative Practices already in place within school / A Dignity in the Workplace Policy in place or for development, as a considered response to the discussion.

In these types of situations, one’s rights as opposed to responsibilities can often become the focus. It is important to acknowledge that in any conflict, each of the parties have rights, but they also have responsibilities to engage with each other and the process to achieve an equitable outcome.
The Leadership Support Team is available to support and guide you in dealing with this area of staff relations and management, particularly where difficult conversations need to be facilitated.

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