E-sceal 534 - Leadership & Management – Collaborative Clusters

CSLSchools are invited to participate in a pilot scheme to assist schools to further develop their leadership capacity by harnessing and optimising internal leadership and management capacity at all levels. This is an initiative of the Department of Education and Skills in association with CSL and the Education Centres.

How to maximise Leadership Capacity in your School:

  • Clusters of schools to work together on innovative projects to enhance their leadership potential
  • Forty-two clusters nationwide in the initial phase
  • Each cluster containing between a minimum of three and a maximum of six schools
  • Information sessions in every Education Centre in November
  • Support from Third Level Institutions and from the Business World
  • Substitute Cover for Cluster Coordinators
  • Expect a communication from your Education Centre directly after midterm

The scheme will comprise a national programme of projects operating at a local level. Each project will explore approaches to school leadership and management that involves and empowers all members of the senior and middle leadership teams in the participating schools.
Schools will be invited to engage in innovative clusters with a shared vision for school improvement.

For the purposes of this proposal, a cluster is defined as a collection of between three and six schools who collaborate in the design, delivery, evaluation and dissemination of the outcomes of these innovative projects.

The pilot, including the application stage, will take place from October 2018 with a view to implementation of the projects in January 2019. The pilot phase will run until June 2020.

Clusters will be hosted by Education Centres, who will establish panels of personnel from third level and business and industry to provide advice and to support schools. Access to DES support services and to the Centre for School Leadership(CSL) will also be available to school clusters.
Each cluster will appoint a Cluster Coordinator who will be the single point of contact for the Education Centre
The Cluster Coordinator will be responsible for managing the day to day operation of the project and will receive substitution cover of one day per month to achieve this.

Click here for Further information

IPPN Sponsors

