E-sceal 534 - Children’s Wellbeing Research – First Study in Ireland

Louise Fleming, an MSC Research Student, Dept of Sport, Leisure and Childhood Studies, CIT, is conducting research as part of a greater international study on children’s wellbeing. A sample of 3000 primary school children is required to be included in the international dataset.

The proposed study forms the Irish section of the Children’s Worlds Project which is an international study of children’s well-being. The current phase of this research includes 40 countries. This will be Ireland’s first year participating in the project.

A questionnaire will be used for data collection in school children of different ages, (8, 10 and 12 year olds) totalling at least 1000 children in each age group. The structure of the questionnaires is age appropriate.

If you are interested in your school becoming involved in the research, please contact Louise Fleming by email (louise.fleming@mycit.ie) or mobile (083 1780679).

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