E-sceal 537 - Professional Conversations – What if scenarios

What if a parent approaches a child in the school whom they suspect may be bullying their own child--------?

While schools make every attempt to communicate to all stakeholders in the school community the correct procedure for addressing issues or concerns in relation to a pupil, parents may sometimes take things into their own hands. This situation may or may not have happened in your case, but it is always wise to be prepared. Of course pre-empting this happening, is preferred to dealing with a situation where child protection issues may then have to be addressed. The “what if” conversation at staff meetings, might include:

  • how communication of the school’s procedures has already, or should be managed 
  • discussion of the above scenario
  • possible consequences of this happening
  • the steps to be taken should this occur
  • seeking advice in relation to the inevitable difficult conversations that result

You may find it helpful to refer to the  Communication Resource Bundle on www.ippn.ie.

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