E-sceal 539 -Introduction and Context to the Child Protection & Safeguarding Inspections (CPSI)

In this and next week’s e-scéal, we will examine the Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection Model (CPSI). The CPSI is a new level-three model of inspection by the Inspectorate, which focuses on the implementation of the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017. It will examine the implementation of the Procedures in schools through conducting ten checks based on the requirements of the procedures.

How has the Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection Model been developed?
The CPSI is being developed by the Inspectorate through an extended consultation process with the Education Partners and other interested stakeholders, including the Office of the Ombudsman for Children. As part of the development process, the Inspectorate also conducted research visits in twelve settings, including one Youthreach centre and one school at a Special Care Unit. The visits involved discussion with principals and teachers regarding how best to conduct the inspections. Following the research, the model was developed and is currently being trialled in nineteen settings, which again includes a Youthreach centre and a special care unit.

What will happen during a Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection?
During a CPSI, inspectors will:

  • Engage with learners about their learning in Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE) and the Stay Safe programme in primary schools, and SPHE and Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) in post-primary schools.
  • Administer an on-line parent questionnaire that explores issues relevant to school climate and parents’ awareness of the school’s child protection procedures, including the school’s anti-bullying procedures
  • Hold meetings with:
  • Designated Liaison Person (DLP) / Deputy DLP
  • Chairperson of Board of Management
  • A sample of school personnel
  • The SPHE coordinator
  • Review the following documents:
  • Board of Management minutes
  • Child safeguarding statement and risk assessment
  • Relevant school plans, monthly progress records (primary) and timetable data (post-primary)
  • Review child protection records, where these have been created.

What checks will be conducted during a Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection?
The inspection framework is currently being developed and will be published in January. All of the aspects of the framework will be based on the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017. These procedures set out a number of requirements on schools relating to communicating with members of the school community about child protection matters; training of school personnel and board members in respect of child protection; reporting child protection concerns, oversight by the Board of Management; and fulfilling certain record-keeping obligations in relation to child protection matters. They also detail the mandatory aspects of the curriculum that are designed to develop students’ knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours through Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE), Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) and the Stay Safe programme.

The ten checks that will be conducted during a Child Protection and Safeguarding Inspection will be based exclusively on the Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2017.

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