E-sceal 539 - Wellbeing - Tips for this time of year

The demands of the present season, both at home and in school, put so much pressure on everyone that it can be easy to feel low and anxious and become stressed. Sometimes our expectations about the perfect Christmas concert, carol service etc. can be unrealistic. Everything will not be perfect. It only needs to be good enough. Apart from the obvious means of looking after yourself, such as healthy diet, sufficient sleep, exercise, watching our alcohol intake and taking time for ourselves, you may find these few tips helpful in getting you to the holidays in one piece:

  • Delegate – you can’t do everything – ask others for help
  • Find a space where you can be alone for a few minutes and breathe. ‘B’ - stop and breathe. Put ’B’ on the phone, on your desk, in fact anywhere that will remind you to breathe
  • Eat a lunch every day
  • Be compassionate to yourself and others. Help someone who may be lonely or isolated and give them a listening ear. Helping others increases our sense of wellbeing
  • Learn to say no. You don’t have to agree to every request
  • Calm things down. Look for signs of stress among the adults in the school. What could be done to help? Perhaps another staff member could give some practical help in the classroom
  • Seek help if things become fraught – Contact the IPPN Support Office on 021 4824070.

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