E-sceal 590 - The National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy (NTRIS) Pilot Project

IPPN is part of the implementation group of NTRIS. The aim of the pilot is to help further increase school attendance and retention at primary and post primary level. Improved learning experiences and outcomes for students and better engagement with parents are also objectives of the project.

This is a two-year pilot project based in 3 centres to include, Bunclody, Tuam and Dublin.

A further project is likely to be based in the Munster area. The project supports a cluster of primary and post primary schools. Resources include a dedicated Home School Community Coordinator, a dedicated Educational Welfare Officer and two project workers for each project. The project will have a major input from Tusla with supports from NEPS, the Department of Justice and Equality and the Social Inclusion Unit of the DES.

IPPN Sponsors

