E-sceal 569 - Parent/Teacher Meetings: Some Practical Suggestions

Schools are currently making preparations for P/T meetings. Most parents look forward to the meeting, even if it is only for 10mins, to discuss their child’s progress. The majority of meetings proceed smoothly and with good humour and teachers generally feel appreciated and affirmed by the experience.

The following are some issues/suggestions that have come from IPPN members in recent times: 

  • The task of allocating times to parents and especially accommodating parents who have more than one child in the school can be time-consuming, particularly when doing it with pen and paper. An interesting thread in IPPN Networking recently has highlighted an extension to one of the School Management Systems which allows parents to select their own times and which then produces the timetable for every class!! This is certainly worth checking out. There are also some school based Apps which can assist
  • It is important to be mindful of situations where, for whatever reasons, both parents / guardians, require separate meetings regarding the same child.
  • Sometimes difficult conversations take place during the course of P/T meetings. There are the situations where “what if” conversations with staff prior to meetings could prove helpful in achieving a better outcome if one is prepared: -
  • What if a parent becomes upset and/or aggressive during a P/T meeting ---------?
  • What if a parent wants to record the meeting ---------?
  • What if more than the allocated time is required--------?

Discuss and agree the procedure to be followed in these cases.

  • There may be instances where a teacher does not feel comfortable meeting a particular parent or parents on their own. In such cases is would be advisable to support that teacher by sitting in on the meeting or by having a Support teacher present during the meeting.
  • Be aware that some parents may surreptitiously record a P/T meeting. This is illegal and can only be done with the consent of the parties involved. Many schools now post prominent notices to this effect
  • Normally parents of children availing of additional support, will want to meet those teachers. These can be arranged as a follow-up to meeting the class teacher or involve both teachers at the same time. These arrangements will depend on the school context and procedures

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