Parent/Teacher Meetings – Practical Guidance

Every year, as schools begin to organise their parent/teacher meetings, school leaders seek clarity from the IPPN Support Office in relation to a number of issues. We have identified these main areas in order to provide support and guidance. Sometimes difficult conversations take place during the course of Parent/Teacher meetings. Meetings are tiring for teachers, especially after a day’s work, parents may be anxious about their child’s progress or difficulties and while most meetings will not present any problems, there is always the possibility of tension. These are the situations where “what if” conversations with staff prior to meetings could prove helpful in achieving a better outcome if one is prepared.

What if a parent becomes upset and/or aggressive during a P/T meeting ---------?

What if a parent wants to record the meeting ---------?

What if more than the allocated time is required--------?

Discuss and agree the procedure to be followed in these cases.

When should parent-teacher meetings be held?
A formal parent-teacher meeting will be held at least once during the academic year in each school. DES Circular 14/04 notes that the meetings will normally commence at 3.15pm and end at 5.45pm. This is subject to change, based on agreement between the relevant parties at local level. Normally the school will close a quarter of an hour early to facilitate staff and they commence a quarter of an hour after school normally finishes, leaving a half hour break in between. Most schools allow 10/15 minutes for each meeting. Some teachers use time in the morning before class contact time or after school in the same week, to meet parents if this suits both parties. Additionally, Croke Park hours may be used to extend the duration of parent/teacher meetings or to facilitate these meetings on more than one afternoon or evening.

Please note that parent-teacher meetings should not be arranged for the day immediately preceding or immediately following the school breaks as set out in the standardised school year calendar.

How to accommodate different family structures?
This requires some co-ordination. A blank timetable with 10 minute intervals is created for all classrooms. From school records, the family with the largest number of children is timetabled so that the parents can meet all teachers in the one session. It is a good idea to allow one 10-minute slot free, so that any delay doesn’t have a knock-on effect. This central timetabling is co-ordinated for families with e.g. 4, 3, or 2 children in the school. Each classroom timetable is then given to the class teacher who schedules appointments with the parents of the remaining children.

In instances where parents (guardians) have separated, individual meetings may need to be facilitated.

Do all teachers need to attend, including Support Teachers?
Normally parents of children availing of additional support will want to meet those teachers. This can be arranged as a follow-up to meeting the class teacher or involve both teachers at the same time. These arrangements will depend on the school context and procedures.


Click here to download DES Circular 14/2004

Parent/Teacher Meetings - Guidelines for Teachers

Record of Parent/Teacher Meeting

IPPN Sponsors

