Further Supports for Schools

CSL and IPPN will work together over the next two weeks to bring together all of the resources, available to assist schools in continuing the teaching and learning for pupils. This resource will be made available on the IPPN website at the end of the Easter holiday period.

Webinar on Admissions Policy
There have been many queries in relation to the Admissions Policy. Many are in the drafting stage at the moment and policies are being placed on the school’s website for consultation. David Ruddy and his colleagues in Mason Hayes & Curran will hold a webinar. It was hoped to have the webinar this week but unfortunately Covid-19 and a sad personal circumstance for a team member put paid to that. A decision was taken not to run it during the Easter holidays, as we hope that everyone will take a break. This will provide a good opportunity to road test your draft policy, especially if you have outstanding questions. The link for signing up to the webinar will be communicated to you at the end of the Easter holidays. Below is the email from David Ruddy.

“The Easter holidays are almost upon schools and the deadline for submitting draft admissions policies to your patron body is fast approaching (April 30th). We are delighted to invite you to join our webinar discussing the draft Admission Policy, with our Education Team, from 11.00am - 11.45am on Wednesday, 22nd April 2020.

During this webinar, our team will focus on what is permissible and what is not under the Admissions Act. We will also help you navigate through the Department of Education & Skills templates. I will forward the link to register as soon as I receive it.

Kind regards,
David Ruddy”

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