30 July 2020 - Roadmap to reopen – latest information and IPPN resources

Now that the DES Response Plan for the Reopening of Schools has been published, IPPN has produced further resources, additions to the existing Resource Bundle and a communications plan with template letters to support school communities in its implementation - See below. Every school community is different and these resources may be of assistance in developing your individual school plan, dependent on the school’s context and capacity. It is by no means a to-do list and we remind you that the Leadership Support Team is available to discuss any information and provide any guidance or support needed by you at this difficult time. We will also be issuing bulletins during August to update and remind you of what your BoM and staff might do to assist you in preparing for the reopening. Please note that we say “assist you” – your task is to have it done, not to do it all yourself.

Le meas,

Leadership Support Team

Roadmap for the full reopening of schools
Regarding the Roadmap to the full reopening of schools, among other measures sought in our submission to the DES, IPPN sought extra financial aid towards cleaning, hygiene materials, and PPE for schools and acknowledges the provision of €40 million and the procurement framework to meet the extra demands as a result of Coronavirus. More information on the drawdown framework is expected next week. This is needed urgently at this stage by schools anxious to have all safety measures in place for the welfare of pupils and staff. The doubling of the Minor Works Grant to take into account the extra costs of dealing with Coronavirus risk management is welcome. Grant aid towards the employment of an aide to assist with the preparation of schools for a safe return is also welcome. We have urged the DES to monitor this provision on an on-going basis to ensure that it is sufficient to meet the needs of schools in complying with best-practice regulations. 

IPPN had highlighted the extra challenges faced by special schools and schools with special classes and we are pleased to acknowledge the plan to employ extra NEPS psychologists to support children for whom the return to the school environment will be especially challenging. We also acknowledge the enhanced per capita and Covid-19 rates payable in respect of students in special settings towards the provision of necessary supports and the extra costs of cleaning in areas of specialist provision.  

Since the Roadmap was issued, two further decisions have been made which will help school leaders in planning for reopening:

Substitute Teacher Clusters for Teaching Principals

In relation to cluster arrangements for the employment of a temporary teacher to cover leadership and management days for teaching principals. the closing date  for applications was April 24th. However, in light of current circumstances, the DES will facilitate changes to clusters already formed as well as applications for new clusters.

Schools involved in clusters to support school principals avail of their release days can restructure those clusters to take account of the additional release days outlined in Circular 45/2020. Schools are advised to notify the Department of any such new reconfigurations.  IPPN strongly urges teaching principals to consider joining/forming a cluster to ensure to ensure the availability of substitute cover for leadership and management days.

Form re. Principal Release Time Post for 2020/21 - Circular 19/2020 Appendix A

See also INTO article relating to the setting up of clusters for leadership and management days

Job-sharing teachers can cover substitute positions

John Boyle of the INTO has confirmed that job-sharers can fulfil substitute positions in their own school in the coming year. 


IPPN supports for school leaders – Re-opening of schools

The IPPN Leadership Support Team will provide support for school leaders who are managing the return to school in three ways:

  1. Through our phone-based Leadership Support service, where 14 experienced Principals will be waiting to assist any school leader with a difficulty or issue
  2. Via text messaging to alert school leaders to updated information on the Live Resource Bundle, or new information / advice bulletins 
  3. Through the Live Resource BundleReturning to School in the Aftermath of COVID-19’ on the IPPN website.  This Resource Bundle will be updated as new information and advice becomes available. From today Thursday, 30th July, it will contain:

A. Communication Plan for schools

a. Weekly communication with parents and staff, from 4th August

b. Written and telephone communication with staff from 10th August

B. Weekly Planning Prompts, from 4th August, which will focus on practical issues such as 

a. Cleaning and cleaners

b. Preparing classrooms etc. for social distancing

c. Signage and sanitising stations

d. Training, induction and familiarisation of staff

C. Planning for Drop-off and Collection

D. Curricular and Well-being issues 

E. IPPN COVID-19 Risk Assessment for Schools

F. All DES documents, templates and guides, including 

a. School COVID-19 Response Plan 

b. School Policy

c. Risk Assessment Template for schools

d. Return to Work Forms

e. DES Risk Assessment Template

f. Contact Tracing Log.

IPPN supports and services are operating as normal during the summer. Members can contact the team by phone at 1890 212223 or by email to info@ippn.ie. Office hours are 08:30 – 17:00 Monday to Friday.

Please note that the office will be closed on bank holiday Monday 3rd August. 

IPPN Sponsors

