Bulletin 3 - Roadmap to Reopen - Latest Information and IPPN Resources

A chara

We are now into week 3 of the preparations for reopening our schools. As we draw close to the reopening, IPPN would again like to remind you that our Leadership Support Team is there to address any issues which will inevitably arise over the period of time prior to the reopening and during the first few days of the term.

You may want to consider the following as priorities for this week – many of you will already have completed these.


  • Send a second letter to the parents and staff – template in Live Resource Bundle
  • Complete phone calls to staff members about their return to school issues where considered necessary
  • Letter to Staff - template in Live Resource Bundle, informing them of:
    o who has been chosen (by nomination or vote) as LWR
    o details of return to school for staff
    o induction and familiarisation training dates
  • All teaching and SNA staff will need a copy of DES Circular 49/2020
  • Ancillary Staff (Secretaries, Caretakers, Cleaners, Bus Escorts) will need a copy of DES Circular 54/2020



  • Continue to delegate tasks to the Response Plan Team established in conjunction with the BoM
  • The Environmental Cleaning Plan (example in Live Resource Bundle)
  • The signs should arrive in schools this week and will need to be put up by the Response Team


Complete the procurement and ordering of PPE/sanitizers, either from the DES list or locally (using 3 quotes )


Reopening Logistics Plan

  • Inform parents and staff of the details of the Logistics Plan as it affects them
  • Drop off and collection procedures
  • How to make an appointment to meet with a teacher or the principal 
  • SEN and SET arrangements
  • Arrangements for children who cannot return to school



  • Has the BoM read and adopted the Logistics Plan?
  • Has the BoM read and adopted the COVID-19 Risk Assessment and adopted it as part of the School Risk Assessment?
  • Has the BoM read and adopted the Environmental Cleaning Plan?


Principal Release Days Cluster

  • Continue with clustering arrangements for Teaching Principal Leadership & Management days



Is sinne le meas
IPPN Leadership Support Team

IPPN Sponsors

