Bulletin 4 - Key Updates & Resources

Your hard work over the past weeks has brought you to where you can now safely reopen your school. There will still be challenges as everyone acclimatises to the new routines and procedures. Your preparations are in place to welcome back everyone to school for the 2020/2021 school year.

We would suggest that you consider the following as priorities for this week – many of you will have done some of these already:



  • Send a third and final communication to the parents and staff – template in Live Resource Bundle
  • Talk to those staff members who have indicated an anxiety or difficulty about returning to work in the school. Reassure them that the control measures to keep them safe are in place. See if you can provide any additional reassurance requested by them
  • Keep the BoM informed of last minute preparations and difficulties. This can be done by communicating with the Chairperson rather than holding full BoM meetings
  • Thank all those from the school community who have assisted you in your preparations over the past weeks


Use the checklists in Section 8 of the Live Resource Bundle to ensure that all measures are in place and attend to any last minute issues they uncover.


First day back
Give some thought to how you intend to welcome the staff back to school for their induction training later this week. In particular, think about how you will conduct the induction training, while adhering to social distancing protocols. Current restrictions are that indoor gatherings are confined to 6 people from no more than 3 households. For larger staffs, this may mean considering holding the induction training and staff meeting or discussions on induction via online platforms. The need for adults to maintain a 2m social distance is still paramount.


You are ready
You have done all you can with the help of your colleagues throughout the school community. Be confident now, both in what you have done to prepare and in what you will do as you welcome children, staff and parents for the new school year.

If you have any concerns, where you need support or advice, particularly over the coming week, as always, you can contact us on:

  • 1890 212223
  • 021 4824070


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Leadership Support Team




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