Evaluation of The Centre for School Leadership – Survey of School Leaders

The Department of Education and Skills has recently commissioned an independent evaluation of the Centre for School Leadership (CSL) which, as you may know, was established in 2015 to support, enhance and modernise the quality and quantity of professional development of school leaders in Ireland.

The evaluation is being undertaken by Fitzpatrick Associates Economic Consultants Ltd, a firm of independent economic and public policy consultants, on behalf of the Department. As part of the evaluation, the consultants are undertaking a survey of all primary and post-primary school leaders, and have asked that IPPN and NAPD members be invited to participate. The link to the survey is below, and your participation would be appreciated. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes.

Click here to complete survey

The consultants carrying out the evaluation are entirely independent, and your personal information or contact details have not been provided to them. All survey responses will only be accessible to the consultants, and none will be accessible by IPPN, NAPD, the CSL, or the Department. Responses will be treated in confidence by the consultants, and findings will only be reported in aggregate and in ways that uphold the anonymity of the respondents.

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