DES Updates - 15 October 2020

  • The Department has clarified that there is no plan to extend the mid-term break
  • Public health officials have deemed schools to be a low-risk environment – there is evidence and data that confirm that schools are not a source of transmission. The transmission rates for 4-18 year olds have remained static since before schools reopened (14.1% in August; 14.3% in September/October). They are very satisfied with the implementation of safety measures in schools and are very complementary of the efforts of teachers and school leaders. They urge school staff to remain extremely vigilant and minimise interaction with each other to minimise the risk of school staff being identified as close contacts where a positive case is confirmed among the staff.
  • HPSC has issued recent guidance in relation to the wearing of medical grade face masks/PPE – ‘When SNAs are within 2m of a pupil and performing healthcare-like tasks (personal care) the face covering should normally be a surgical mask. If a surgical mask is not practical for any reason, they should use a visor or a quality suitable for use in a healthcare setting.’
  • All of the education stakeholders have asked that the Department flag all new information for school leaders on the Esinet portal
    The Department has committed to another round of funding for PPE and hygiene requisites after Christmas. The data from the procurement framework will be used to determine the level of funding required in 2021. IPPN urges all schools to order (through the framework) enough supplies to cover the period up to the end of 2020.

We await further guidance in relation to:

  1. COVID-19-related sick leave
  2. Recording of attendance/non-attendance of very high risk pupils
  3. Parent/teacher meetings
  4. Child protection oversight report.

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