IPPN Deputy Principals’ Conference 2020

More than 500 deputy principals participated in IPPN’s first virtual conference on Thursday 12 November. The aim was to make the event as interactive as possible, including Q&A sessions with each of the speakers, which were hosted by facilitator IPPN Deputy President Brian O’Doherty.

There was also plenty of engagement among deputy principals in a dedicated networking session, which was organised by geographical area.

The speakers brought a wealth of knowledge, thought-provoking ideas and challenges to the event:
Prof Finn Ó Murchú, Mary Immaculate College – Conversations on middle leadership in primary schools
Ombudsman for Children, Dr Niall Muldoon and Dr Naomi Masheti, Co-ordinator of the Cork Migrant Centre - Inclusion & diversity in Irish primary schools
Prof Pádraig Ó Duibhir, DCU Institute of Education – Irish language education & exemptions
Mary McGrath, Head of Operations, NCSE, and Camilla Marks, Specialist Lead (Behaviour), NCSE - The SEN allocation model and practical guidance for school leaders on managing SEN and behaviours of concern.

The feedback received was very positive. IPPN will review the participant feedback in detail, to ensure that we learn as much as possible to make any future virtual events even better.

Click here to view materials and recordings

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