Minor Works – Primary Payment

In response to member queries, IPPN sought clarification from the DES regarding the recent announcement of €55 million Minor Works Grant by Minister Norma Foley TD and the significant larger figure per pupil allocated to post primary schools.

The following factors were taken into account by the Department in determining the appropriate levels of minor works grant funding to operate at primary and post-primary levels:

  • Minor works funding is available to primary schools on an annual basis. There is no similar scheme at post-primary level.
  • School buildings by their nature are generally much larger at post-primary level than at primary level.
  • There are a wide variety of specialist rooms and various plant and equipment at post-primary level, that would not be a feature at primary level.
  • This all added to a greater level of complexity to the management and operation of post-primary schools to have them ready for re-opening for
  • September 2020 and continue in operation during the school year in a Covid 19 environment.
  • It is also worth noting that there is a greater level of flexibility in the public health guidance on physical distancing arrangements at primary level compared to post-primary level. This impacted on the scale of reconfiguration works that were needed in post-primary schools to facilitate a full return to school.

A total of €90m minor works funding is being provided to primary schools - €60m was paid in July/August and a further €30m will be paid in early December.

A total of €70m minor works funding is being provided to post-primary schools - €42m was paid in August and a further €25m will be paid in early December. The balance of €3m will be provided to schools that need additional support.

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