Dismantling Inequity in Education - ICP in conversation with Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland

Free for IPPN members, this webinar takes place on Wednesday 23rd February at 11am - you can register to attend live or to access the recording after the event.

The International Confederation of Principals (ICP) developed its own definition of Equity in 2019, to encourage, support and inspire its membership to develop a deeper understanding of what equity means in the context of education.
Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and Chair of 'The Elders', has worked extensively to promote peace, justice and human rights globally for many years. Former IPPN President Maria Doyle, who is the European Representative on the ICP Executive, will discuss inequity in education with Mary Robinson, a subject about which she is passionate and a key strategic objective of The Elders.

This webinar is designed to:

  • focus school leaders on what is happening in their own communities and inspire them to look at what equity means for them within their own context
  • encourage school leaders to create an environment where they can build a fair system within their own school communities, while recognising and identifying the challenges preventing real progress in this area
  • inspire school leaders to recognise the potential for education to be a vehicle for effective action towards Dismantling Inequity
  • encourage school leaders to become influencers in the area of Equity in Education by having conversations with system leaders
  • remind school leaders that the COVID 19 pandemic has highlighted the inequities in our education systems globally and that we as school leaders
  • can grasp the opportunity to proactively amplify these inequities while they are spotlighted during this crisis.


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