Banking Hours – How do you do it?

DES Circular 45/2020, section 5.4 outlines the sequence of appointing a substitute teacher. Sub section 4 of the Paragraph outlines the arrangements that should apply in the exceptional circumstances, where it is not possible to obtain a substitute on the day that the original teacher is absent.

The existing OLCS system could not cater for this arrangement and it has been updated to allow a substitute to be employed at a later date, where one was not available on the day of the original teacher’s absence. The new system for claiming the substitute hours is referred to as the CNCA appointment system.

Under this new arrangement, prior to submitting the claim for payment of the substitute teacher on the OLCS system, a school is required to get confirmation from the Allocations Section by:

Under this new arrangement, prior to submitting the claim for payment of the substitute teacher on the OLCS system, a school is required to get confirmation from the Allocations Section by:

  • Completing the application form and submitting it either by email to or by post to Primary Allocations Section, Department of Education, Cornamaddy, Athlone, Co. Westmeath N37 X659.
  • Please note that the application forms should be submitted within 5 days of the original teacher’s absence and no later than the end of the 2020/2021 school year.
    Following confirmation of the allocated hours by the Allocations Section, it will be possible to claim for the substitute teacher on the OLCS system.

Schools should claim payment for the replacement teacher under the OLCS CNCA Appointments system as follows:

  1. Click on Add under Appointments on the OLCS menu.
  2. Enter the PPSN of the substitute teacher and click Search which will return the staff member in the search results.
  3. Tick the Radio button and click Add Appointment.
  4. Select Position Type – Substitution (COVID 19)/ Ionadaíocht (COVID-19) from the drop down list.
  5. Select Status of Non Casual from the drop down list.
  6. Select the relevant week from the drop down calendar list and click Select Week to display the daily grid
  7. Complete the grid by entering the relevant number of hrs per day (5 hours 00 minutes)
  8. Click Send to Approver and a confirmation message is displayed

Queries in relation to claim for the payment entitlement should be referred to Primary Allocations Section:

Queries in relation to technical difficulties with claiming the hours (only after Primary Allocations Section has sanctioned those hours) on the OLCS should be directed to:

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