SNA Allocations

The proposed new ‘frontloading model’ for the allocation of SNAs to schools is paused for a second year, mainly because of the pandemic. The Cabinet agreed last Tuesday, 4 May to fund an additional 990 SNAs for next September, as they did last September. All schools will retain their current allocation. There are additional SNAs coming into the system.  About half of the 990 will be required for new special schools and special classes. This will leave the remainder to be allocated with priority been given to new schools, schools with developing school status and those schools currently without any SNA access. Teresa Griffin, at IPPN’s Conference, stated that a new slimmed down version of ‘Exceptional Review’ is in place for the coming year and will be online. There is a realisation, especially in the DE, that some schools will retain their SNA support for a second year, even though they may not have the same level of care needs. There will be many other schools who will be very disappointed with this announcement, as they are genuinely struggling to meet their care needs. The DE has advised that it will carry out a full review and re-profiling of schools for the next academic year 2022-2023.


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