NCSE Strategy

The NCSE’s current Statement of Strategy expires at the end of this year.

IPPN has been asked to provide input to the NCSE’s review of their strategy and their strategic goals and actions for the period 2022-2026. The submission has to be made by the 28th of May. It It would be appreciated if members could provide feedback as soon as possible, so that it can be reviewed and finalised in time for the submission deadline. An online form has been set up to facilitate your responses. Please submit your input here by Monday evening 17 May.

The survey asks the following questions:

  1. What key goals should be included in the NCSE strategy?
  2.  What specific NCSE/other actions are required to meet those goals?
  3. What is the TOP challenge you face in relation to NCSE policy, processes and procedures that you would like IPPN to raise in the submission?

The submission will be included in a forthcoming e-scéal.

IPPN Sponsors

