HSE - Update Memo to Schools

To: All Principals,

As you may be aware, the HSE ICT systems have been disabled as a precaution in response to the cyber-attack last Friday. This has had significant consequences for the HSE, including for Departments of Public Health. We have been in contact with you on this, and are now providing a further update.

More normal processes have now been put in place, and for a case of Covid-19 who was infectious within your facilities, the usual excel sheets are being sent on to you for completion of the close contacts. Close contacts will be given appointments to attend for testing, in the usual way, and are no longer being asked to attend the walk-in testing centres without an appointment. This is very important from a Public Health perspective, so all the results are linked to your facility and we can identify early and manage outbreaks as appropriate. We would appreciate you re-affirmation of this to families so we can best and most optimally manage incidents within your facilities.
Given that Departments of Public Health are currently working very hard, and under very difficult circumstances we ask for your consideration when contacting us. Many answers to common queries can be found in the FAQ document for Principals. The Department of Education is also available to assist with many queries on covid19_alert@education.gov.ie or phone (057) 932 4461.

If you are aware of a case of Covid-19 within your facility, but have not yet heard from Public Health please contact the HSE Principals line on 01 240 8785 and they will give you the current functioning number for the relevant Public Health Department:

We are still frequently seeing cases who attended facilities symptomatic, sometimes for several days, and we ask that anyone with symptoms which could be consistent with Covid-19 are managed as per Department guidance, excluded from school and recommended to discuss their symptoms with their GP.

Best wishes,

Dr Abigail Collins, Consultant in Public Health Medicine,
Dr Kevin Kelleher, Assistant National Director, Public health and Child Health


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