NCCA Draft Primary Curriculum Consultation is now open

Consultation with primary schools and special schools by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) on the Draft Primary Curriculum Framework has now reopened. In February 2020, the NCCA published the draft framework setting out proposals for a redeveloped primary curriculum. The consultation was originally planned to run from late February to December 2020. However, in response to the challenging circumstances brought about by COVID-19, we postponed consultation with schools in late 2020.

We have now relaunched our online questionnaire, written submission form and consultation workshop materials for schools which are available here. Continuing into early 2022, we look forward to hearing from and engaging directly with teachers, school leaders, children and parents through online seminars and focus group events. If possible, depending on public health advice, we will hold face-to-face consultation events. Consultation with children will also take place throughout this period.

There will be further updates on the consultation with schools in the weeks and months ahead. You can also view this information video. If you would like to receive consultation updates or find out more about the draft framework visit our website and follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also sign up for regular updates from NCCA by registering to receive our newsletter.

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