Updated DE Child Protection Templates

The DE has updated the Mandatory Child Protection Templates. It is necessary to complete the revised templates listed below to comply with the requirements for Child Protection inspections.

Essentially the DE have combined the previous:

  • Mandatory Template 1: Child Protection Risk Assessment and
  • Mandatory Template 2: Child Safeguarding Statement into one document, now renamed

Mandatory Template 1: Child Safeguarding Statement and Risk Assessment.
An extra line has been added to the Child Safeguarding Statement: 

This Child Safeguarding Statement was reviewed by the Board of Management on_______ [most recent review date].

Mandatory Templates 3 and 4 have now been renamed as:

  • Mandatory Template 2: Checklist for Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement
  • Mandatory Template 3: Notification regarding the BoM Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement

The Revised Mandatory Templates are available by clicking here

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