Inspection & Advisory Work in Autumn Term 2021

From the Chief Inspector’s address to the IPPN Deputy Principals’ Conference on Thursday 11 November:

For the autumn term, three themes are important in our work.

Supporting school leaders to provide safely for teaching and learning
Firstly, we are continuing with a programme of Sustaining the Safe Provision of Schooling Inspections (SSPS) during this school year. The focus of these visits is on supporting school leaders to provide safely for teaching and learning. I’d like to emphasise the very positive findings arising from the hundreds of these visits that we have conducted since September of 2020. We found around 98% of primary schools fully compliant. That is a great tribute to the work of school leaders and school communities.

The SSPS visits also provide an opportunity for inspectors to engage in professional dialogue with school leaders – something greatly welcomed by school leaders and inspectors.

Secondly, during our incidental inspections this autumn, we are putting a focus on supporting school leaders in creating inclusive learning environments for all. I know well that school leaders are very much aware of the importance of children learning in an environment where they feel welcome, valued and respected for who they are. All of us have heard the heart-breaking stories of some children who are marginalised or excluded – and often these come from vulnerable cohorts – LGBTQ, Travellers, children with special educational needs. None of us want this for any child.

So, during our incidental visits, we are collecting information on the implementation of anti-bullying guidelines but our focus is fundamentally about raising the consciousness of school leaders and schools about the importance of school culture and climate and having appropriate systems in place to prevent and tackle bullying. We know that dealing with bullying is not primarily about compliance with policies or checklists. While policies and systems have an important role to play, our overall approach is aimed at supporting school leaders to think about and promote a positive culture for all.

Vulnerable learners
Thirdly, as I have mentioned, the impact of Covid has been particularly stark for some children in our schools – including children with SEN and children who may struggle to engage with their learning in classrooms for a variety of reasons. With that in mind, we will be conducting a limited number of SEN inspections to see how children with SEN are getting on in their learning. We will also be looking at the issue of reduced timetables to ensure that they are only used in exceptional circumstances and in accordance with the relevant procedures.

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