IPPN - Short survey re. Teacher Absences & Availability of Subs

IPPN will send members a very quick 2-3 question survey early next week to gauge the current level of teacher absence and the availability (or lack thereof) of substitute teachers. This will help IPPN advocate on behalf of members in relation to the anticipated announcements regarding potential easing of COVID-related restrictions.

You need to opt in to receive texts from IPPN
Please note that text messages can only sent to members who actively opt in to receive them. This is usually done via the membership renewal form. If you haven’t been receiving texts from IPPN and would like to receive them, please email your name, roll number and mobile phone number to info@ippn.ie stating that you wish to receive text messages from IPPN. Confirmation of opt-in is required. Contact details are not sufficient, due to GDPR.

Sincere thanks to the more than 1500 members who responded to the short survey in early January. It was very helpful in IPPN’s engagement with the Department, education stakeholders and the media, in relation to the reopening of schools and the related challenges for school leaders

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