Professional Guidance – Processing Leave Applications

The closing date for the submission of applications for Job-share and Career Breaks for teachers is 1 February and in the case of SNAs 1 March. Boards will be meeting shortly to review and make decisions on leave applications submitted by staff for 2022/2023 school year. The deadline for a Board to communicate its decision on leave requests to the teaching staff is 1 March.

It is the remit of the BoM, as the employer, to make decisions on whether to grant such leave for each individual application. In processing leave applications, the Board will consider what is in the best interest of the children, if granting the leave at that time would have a substantial adverse effect on the operation of the school and ultimately refers for guidance to the school’s policy on leave. The importance of having a Leave Policy in place, agreed by all staff and ratified by BOM cannot be overstated. Having such a policy in place helps to ensure equity and fairness, as well as transparency for all concerned. If a school does not have such a policy in place at present, it is advisable to draft one in consultation with all staff for the next school year.

Boards cannot always make decisions with which staff agree. Where feasible, a Board will facilitate a leave application, having regard to the above considerations. However, a Board may decide to reject an application. The decision must come and be seen to come from the Board. It is best practise for the Chairperson to communicate the Board’s decision to the employee. It is important that the Board’s decision is not viewed as a decision of the school leader. A school leader’s relationship with the staff has to be prioritised.

IPPN’s Leadership Support Team is available to provide support if required.

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