Appealing SET Allocations

NCSE Circular 01/22 outlines how schools can appeal their SET Allocation. IPPN is aware of the frustration of many school leaders in trying to decide if they should appeal. There are a number of areas to consider – Baseline, Standardised Results, Gender, Social Context and of course Complex Needs. Although schools are aware of the hours attached to each of these areas, there appears to be a lack of communication from the DE on the formulas used to arrive at these numbers. It is difficult to appeal when you are unsure of this basis for the allocations. Some schools received Zero for their complex needs. If the NCSE receive an appeal, they will look at the input of the Disability Network Teams in relation to complex needs and review this.  If a school has a query about their complex needs pupils, it is likely the query will be with their disability team.   The NCSE will only see if a mistake was made with inputting the complex needs since the last review. This appeal will not necessarily look at the total number of children in a school that may have complex needs. If a school wants to appeal that then they have to look for an exceptional review. There is no timeline to apply for an exceptional review.

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