Update on COVID 19 for Schools – September 2022

The DE has issued the following updates in a letter to schools on 31 August 2022.

General Advice
Stay at home if you are unwell.
The best way to keep all viruses out of school is to stay at home if you are unwell and until your symptoms have substantially resolved for 48 hours.

  • Maintain a good standard of hand hygiene
  • Adhere to good respiratory etiquette
  • Ensure good ventilation arrangements
  • Continue to maintain good levels of cleaning.

PPE and Cleaning Grants

  • Enhanced grants to cover cleaning and PPE will be paid to schools for Term 1 shortly.
  • The rate of payment in respect of these grants will remain the same as last year. Cleaning and PPE will be combined into one grant.#There is no requirement to wear masks, but masks should continue to be provided to any staff member or student who wishes to wear them.

There is no change to the DE guidance on ventilation, last updated in May 2021. This guidance, and guidance on CO2 monitors is available HERE

COVID-19 Response Plan

The Department is currently revising the template COVID-19 Response plans and these will issue to schools shortly.

COVID-19 Special Leave with Pay – School Staff

The following circulars were issued in June 2022:

Circular 38/2022 - Coronavirus (COVID-19): Updated Working Arrangements for Teachers and Special Needs Assistants employed in recognised Primary and Post Primary schools
Circular 39/2022 - Coronavirus (COVID-19): Updated Working Arrangements for Staff Other Than Teachers and Special Needs Assistants employed in Education and Training Boards.

School leaders who are seeking information regarding COVID-19 in relation to staff should consult these circulars in the first instance. The following are two important takeaways from both circulars: 

  • From 1st July 2022 the maximum Special Leave with Pay entitlement is 7 consecutive days in any one instance, after which the terms and conditions of the Sick Leave Scheme will apply where an employee remains medically unfit for work
  • Special Leave with Pay is not available to an employee with COVID-19 symptoms, following a negative COVID-19 antigen/PCR test result. This absence must be recorded by the employer as Sick Leave on the OLCS/relevant ETB system.

COVID-19 Special Leave with Pay – School Staff
Circular 40/2022 - COVID-19: Working Arrangements for Certain Higher Risk employees of Recognised Primary and Post Primary schools  (issued 13 June 2022)
This circular notifies schools of very significant changes to the working arrangements of staff in the High Risk and Very High Risk categories. The circular should be consulted by school leaders where staff are in either category. Some important takeaways from the circular:
From 1 July 2022:

  • All employees in the Very High Risk category and pregnant employees in the High Risk category working in SEN must attend the workplace if medically fit to do so
  • Employers can no longer facilitate remote working
  • Employers are required to carry out a workplace risk assessment of such employees.



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