FSSU/Schools Procurement Guidance Note

The issue of Electricity and Gas bills is a huge issue and worry for schools. Guidance was issued in past few days to schools from the Schools Procurement Unit and FSSU.

It is very clear for schools that have signed up already. However, some schools have not. For those schools the guidance is not so clear.

  • Schools already registered have security of tariffs up to 30/4/2024 for Electricity and up to 31/8/2024 for Gas
  • Schools that are not registered should do so immediately. Registration process is simple and all links are in the Guidance note
  • Schools will then be issued a new offer of contract with tariff details attached. These will vary depending on school size etc
  • This 'late' signup will offer protection between date of sign up until the dates mentioned above
  • There is NO DEADLINE DATE for registering/sign up but the sooner the better!

The unambiguous advice to schools that remain outside of the OGP contracts is to strongly consider signing up to the contracts for Electricity and Natural Gas (if applicable) and secure the protection they provide, for the school. Not to do so leaves schools at the mercy of the open market.

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