AP Posts and ’Lists of Duties’

Circular 44/2019 envisages a revised framework for Leadership and Management in schools, where the concept of the hero leader is replaced by the concept of the post-hero leader.

  • Heroic leadership is the pinnacle of leadership, conducted by a transformed and enlightened leader who seeks to transform and enlighten others
  • Post heroic leadership, on the other hand is more akin to shared and servant leadership, focussing on collective achievement, teamwork and shared accountability
  • This concept is recognised in the IPPN Resource Bundles “Sharing the Leadership” (DP appointment) and “Distributing the Leadership” (AP appointments).


The new model of school leadership outlined in Circular 44/2019 seeks to transform the notion of a Post-Holder as a teacher with a few extra “jobs” into one where the Post-Holder occupies a position of strategic importance in the leadership, management and administration of the school. This model envisages school leadership being shared and distributed by the principal and DP among all members of the ISM team.

However, what are APs to be responsible for?

In line with the principles of distributed leadership, Assistant Principals work in teams collaborating with the Principal and/ or Deputy Principal and have shared responsibility, commensurate with the level of the post, for areas such as:

  • learning and teaching
  • leading school development (including curriculum development)
  • pupil support including wellbeing
  • school improvement
  • leadership/management and development of individuals and staff teams
  • special education and inclusion
  • supporting teachers during the induction phase of their career

PIEW and the “Needs of the School”

The Circular requires that, prior to the advertisement of an AP post a consultation takes place between the Principal, Deputy Principal, teachers and BoM to determine:

  • the identified leadership and management needs and priorities of the school
  • the roles and responsibilities which need to be performed for the effective leadership and management of the school taking into account the identified needs and priorities of the school
  • the distribution of these roles and responsibilities between the available in-school leadership and management posts by reference to the school’s own priorities.

The areas for consideration during this review by the school staff include:

  • the school plan
  • the school’s Mission Statement and its aims and objectives
  • the pupil and curricular profile of the school
  • requirements of the Department of Education and Skills (and the ETB in the case of a community national school) and its agencies
  • the responsibilities carried out by current post holders and responsibilities undertaken by members of staff who do not hold posts of responsibility.

This consultation provides an ideal opportunity for school leaders to prioritise these needs in accordance with PIEW before assigning areas of responsibility to post-holders.

The AP’s contract with the BoM

The purpose of the AP Contract is to:

  • define the role of the AP as a member of the school’s ISM team
  • outline the currently assigned area(s) of responsibility. (Appendix I of Chapter. 3 of Circular 44/2019 – Statement of Roles and Responsibilities)
  • clarify that the AP will submit an annual Report to Review Form (Appendix II of Chapter. 3 of Circular 44/2019 – Statement of Roles and Responsibilities) which will form the basis for a meeting with the principal / deputy principal to review the AP’s work in relation to his/her area of responsibility
  • clarify that the current area(s) of responsibility will be reviewed at least every 2 years.

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