On Your Behalf

IPPN input at Oireachtas Committee Debate on Mental Health Supports in Schools
Enda McGorman, principal of Mother of Hope SNS, Littlepace, Dublin 15 was the IPPN representative at the Joint Oireachtas Education Committee debate on mental health supports in schools (Tuesday, 18 October 2022). He and the other education stakeholders set out the challenges, potential solutions and discussed the matter in detail with the TDs and Senators on the Committee. IPPN sincerely thanks Enda for his superb input and for representing primary school leaders so passionately and eloquently.

Click here to view the video (the debate starts at 30:30)

Click here to view IPPN’s submission to the Committee

IPPN input at Oireachtas Autism Committee Debate on Autism Policy & Education

On 4 October, IPPN presented at a meeting of the Oireachtas Autism Committee and was engaged in robust debate with the politicians present. IPPN was ably represented by CEO Páiric Clerkin and Caroline Quinn, Leadership Support Team member and former principal of Our Lady of Good Counsel GNS in Johnstown, Killiney.

Click here to view the debate (Starts at 23:30; IPPN input starts at 01:50:00) 
Click here to view IPPN’s submission

Note: The Joint Committee on Autism was established in February 2022 to consider matters relating to the services and supports provided by the State for autistic people and will report to both Houses of the Oireachtas within nine months of the first public meeting.

Sincere thanks to those members who have provided input to IPPN on these topics in various surveys and fora. It makes submissions more compelling and complete when members from different types of school have helped to put shape to the description of the challenges and the proposed solutions. The new National Council committee for Advocacy & Communications will be a key way to gather information and suggestions from members in a timely manner in relation to future advocacy work.

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