Ongoing Advocacy

IPPN is continuing to ensure that a focus is maintained on issues that are affecting the practice of leadership in our primary schools. Specifically, the focus has been on the sustainability of school leadership and the impact of teacher and substitute shortages on continuity of provision to children.

In both cases, IPPN’s advocacy has been strengthened by the information that members have provided by way of responses to surveys on these issues. That data is now being quoted by journalists and commentators in different fora and is serving to highlight the need for action.

The following is a link to a letter that was published by the Irish Times in response to an article written by the Secret Teacher on the issue of principal effectiveness, health & well-being.

On the issue of teacher and substitute shortages, the data gleaned from IPPN’s member survey prompted RTE to seek further information on the number of supply panel posts that remain unfilled. The following link  is to the article that references this data and includes quotes from interviews that were undertaken to contextualize the data.

IPPN will continue to advocate on these issues on behalf of school leaders and their school communities.

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