Professional Guidance - Schools and Severe Weather

Schools should conduct a pre-event evaluation of what should be, or could be in place to ensure the opening of the school in the event of severe weather. Areas for consideration are maintenance of school premises and utilities, salting and gritting and transport to and from school. Please refer to Allianz guidance below - Is your School Winter Ready?

Schools should ensure that every member of staff is clear as to their role and responsibilities during severe weather including in the event of a school closure. A member of staff should be assigned to monitor weather conditions and to contact the principal response agencies and school transport services, where required.

Closing a School
The decision to close a school rests with the school Board of Management authority taking into consideration the full guidance and direction available from the principal response agencies, especially An Garda Síochána.

Any decision to close is taken in the interest of child safety, having assessed the local risks and having consulted, as appropriate, with school transport operators. Some of the issues that schools take into account include:

  • Conditions in the school itself
  • The capacity of the school to ensure the health and safety of students whilst in school
  • The ability of parents, students, staff and school transport services to safely negotiate local road conditions to reach the school
  • Guidance and direction from the principal response agencies
  • In instances where school closure occurs due to severe weather, schools can have regard to the latest guidance

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