Professional Guidance - Class Allocation (Permanent / Fixed Term Staff Only) Consultation Document

DE Circular 16/73 states that the principal teacher “should arrange a fair distribution of teaching duties among the staff, taking into account the needs of the pupils and the abilities, experience, personality and preference of each teacher. S/he should utilise the services of staff with special qualifications or aptitudes in an organising or advisory capacity.” All teachers employed by the Board of Management are expected to be available for deployment in any position across the school.

Having regard to the conditions outlined in circular 16/73 staff can be invited to indicate their preferences. Teachers could be encouraged to indicate their preferences regardless of whether a vacancy exists in any area. They should be reminded that this is only an expression of interest and is not binding. The final decision on class/role allocation rests with the principal.

Staff could also be reminded that reference to their preferences can be made if a vacancy were to arise during the next academic year.

It might also be useful to reference the Teaching & Learning Dimension in Looking at our Schools, which highlights the 4 key domains under Teaching & Learning: Pupil Outcomes, Pupil Experiences, and Teachers’ Individual Planning & Teachers’ Collective Planning. Effective practices relating to Teaching & Learning underpin every role in the school.

Finally, staff should be encouraged to indicate their preferences vis-a-vis mainstream and support roles. Some principals like to ensure that every staff member puts down a mainstream class, even where they prefer a support role.

Some thought should be given to rotation policies. Consider a time limit for how long someone can stay in the same role. Home School Liaison teachers are limited to a maximum of 5 years. Moving staff in and out of support positions allows teachers to develop key skills and access specialist CPD. This allows for greater personal and professional development.

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