Research on the Role of the Deputy Principal

A research team in Maynooth University has received ethical approval for a proposed research project entitled – Deputy Principals, a hidden asset in schools? The project seeks to construct an understanding of how the position of Deputy Principal is enacted in Irish primary and post-primary schools and how its potential might be more fully realised in post Covid-19 school environments. The intention is to illuminate the strengths, satisfactions and challenges of the position with a view to establishing pointers to a more nuanced appreciation of the possibilities of deputy principalship to enhance students’ learning and the sustainability of schools.

The research team wishes to engage directly with Deputy Principals and would welcome the completion of a short online questionnaire by as many DP’s as possible as part of the initial phase of the research.  This research is closely aligned with the ongoing work on IPPN’s Sustainable Leadership project.

Click here to complete the survey

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