Staffing Schedule 2023/2024 – Published

The DE has published the staffing schedule for 2023/24. At IPPN’s Conference in November, the earlier publication date of February had been requested. This was to facilitate a timely and strategic recruitment process for the coming school year by Boards of Management.

Key Items:

Leadership & Management Day: One leadership & management day per week will be retained for Teaching Principals in the 2023/2024 school year. Teaching Principals with one special class have an additional 4 leadership and management days for the 2023/2024 school year.
CID: 23 February 2023 – Boards are reminded that CID applications cannot be submitted to the department until viable posts have been confirmed for application purposes.
SET: Existing clusters will remain operational for the 2023/2024 school year. Schools have up until 23 February 2023 to enter into a cluster arrangement for any additional hours to create a full-time post.
Substitute Teacher Supply Panels: Will remain in place for 2023/2024 school year.

Redeployment and Key Dates: Thursday 23 February 2023

  • Notify Panel Operator of permanent and fixed term teaching vacancies
  • Return Main Redeployment Panel Application Form (Appendix E) for surplus permanent/CID holding teachers
  • Return SET cluster form(Appendix D)
  • Return CID Declaration Form 23 (Appendix G)
  • Submit completed Staffing Appeals Form (Appendix F) for the next meeting of the Primary Staffing Appeals Board
  • Submit applications for Teaching Principals Leadership & Management Day Clusters

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