Professional Guidance – Communicating Decisions

During the next month, the outcome of leave applications will be communicated to staff. Some will meet with approval from staff, while others will be disappointed with the outcome. The first question is who made the decision. In the case of leave applications, it is the Board of Management.

The Board, as the employer, makes all decisions with regard to leave requests. It is important that communication of decisions comes from and is seen to come from the Board. It should not be perceived that this is a decision of the principal. The importance of maintaining a good relationship with staff cannot be overestimated. Clear understanding by staff of the Board’s responsibility is necessary to avoid conflict arising with the principal if an application for leave is declined.

While decisions are communicated in writing as per circular, it is the practice in a number of schools for the Chairperson to also deliver decisions in person, whether it is to approve or decline a leave application.

A conversation with the Chairperson to decide on the best method of communicating decisions of the Board and a discussion regarding the necessity for effective communication in this area could go a long way to enhancing working relationships within the school community.

Should you, as a school leader, need to have a difficult conversation with anyone in your school community, the Leadership Support Team is available with guidance and support.

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