NCSE Frontline Services Survey

The NCSE is undertaking an evaluation of how frontline services are delivered. These services include the work of SENOs in allocating SNAs, the work of Visiting Teachers, CPD and advice/support NCSE provides. NCSE wants to understand more fully the experiences of schools who have been supported by them. IFF Research is carrying out a survey on behalf of the NCSE, in partnership with the University of Derby and Mary Immaculate College (Limerick).

NCSE are requesting school leaders to provide feedback in an online survey. They have also requested that the survey be shared with school staff. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete. The deadline to submit feedback is Tuesday, 9 May 2023.

Click here to begin the survey

All responses will be treated in the strictest of confidence and go directly to the research team and not to the NCSE. NCSE will receive a report on the overall findings, which will not identify individual responses.

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