External Research – Perspectives on the ‘Looking at Our Schools’ (LAOS) Framework

Primary school teacher Aideen Ahern, a second-class teacher and Assistant Principal II in North Presentation Primary School, Cork City is conducting research for a Masters in Education (School Leadership) through the University of Limerick, which aims to explore the perceptions of school leaders (middle and senior) on the LAOS 2022 policy. Primary school leaders (principals and deputy principals) are invited to take part in a semi-structured, one-to-one interview (approx. 45 minutes duration) with a member of the research team, supervised by Dr Paul Butler, school principal and tutor with University Limerick.

If you would like more information, please email Aideen at 21291764@studentmail.ul.ie.

This research study has received ethics approval from the Education and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee (2023-04-09). If you have any concerns about this study and wish to contact someone independently you may contact Chair Education and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee, EHS Faculty Office, University of Limerick, Tel (061) 234101.

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